How a song was born Yonatan Geffen / Yoni Rechter
How is a song born?
Like laughter
It starts from within
And then rolls out
How is a song born?
Like a baby
In the beginning it hurts
But then it comes out
And everyone is happy
And Suddenly, so wonderful,
It walks on its own
How is a song born?
Like a baby.
Hi Kids
We’re so happy you came
Soon you’ll hear
Many songs you’ve already heard
Hi Moms
We’re about to begin
But first can you tell me
How is a song born?
How is a song born?
Like laughter
It starts from within
And then rolls out
How is a song born
Like a baby
In the beginning it hurts
But then it comes out
And everyone is happy
Suddenly it walks on its own
How is a song born? Like a baby...
You put three words together
And warm is on a low heat
You run quickly to bring
Some onion from the neighbor
You add two rhymes
A bit of pepper and salt
You mix in three sheep
And throw in a cube of ice
It’s very important that the ice will be hot..
La la la la….
In the beginning it hurts
But then it comes out
And everyone is happy
Suddenly it walks on its own
How is a song born? Like a baby...
Ech Shir nolad
Ech shir nolad?
k'mo hatz'chok.
Zeh matchil mibifnim,
umitgalgel hachutzah
ech shir nolad?
k'mo tinok,
bahatchalah zeh ko'ev,
achar kach yotze hachutzah
vechulam s'mechim, ufit'om -
eizeh yofi,
hu holech levad,
ech shir nolad?
k'mo tinok.
Shalom yeladim
anachnu s'mechim shebatem
od me'at tishme'u
shirim shech'var sham'atem.
Shalom imahot,
anachnu natchil od me'at,
aval lifnei zeh tagidu li
ech shir nolad.
Ech shir nolad...
Mechaber shalosh milim
mechamem al esh k'tanah
veratz maher le'avi
batzal mehash'chenah
mosif shnei charuzim
k'tzat pilpel, k'tzat melach
me'arbev shlosha k'vasim
vezorek kubiyah shel kerach...
Ech shir nolad...