Seek God within you

Seek God within you (Drosh Elohim Be'kirbe'cha)
Lyrics: Shachar Mario Mordechai
Music: Gideon Efrati

Seek God within you
For you are a Mortal Soul.
And drive him away from your sword
So you may keep religion and blood apart.

Try to imagine what would happen if
A secular prayer yearned for life...
Assign it a path. And name the heavens
Don’t coerce. Don’t steal God.

If mercy finds love–we'll meet there
Like brothers in autumn.
Believe - even in the unbeliever–
Don’t send fire
Lest Israel strike by thousands,
And by myriads is stricken.

And so set your mornings and evenings in prayer
Keeping religion and blood apart.
And you too, skeptic, place God in your heart
For you were created in the image of your people.