End-of-the-year concert for the voice students of Ronit Debowey of Maaleh Shacharut School, an event that has become a tradition, wherein the pupils don the professional mantle of first-rate stage, playing, and sound for 21 numbers:
an important opportunity for them to face an audience and perform solo. The voice pupils are participants in various complex and demanding musical projects throughout the year. The evening is directed musically by Gideon Efrati.
Tunes and Talents / Local Vocals
Gidon Efrati has been active for years in many musical spheres in the Southern Arava. There he sits at the side, under a dim light, stroking the ivories, always looking as if it’s his first time with respect to his enthusiasm and meticulousness of interpretation. At the end-of-the-year recital of Ronit Debowey’s voice pupils ( June 2012 ), he rose from his stool, visibly moved, and spoke words of praise to the young performers:
Education or the work of education entails an eternal search for deep channels of expression, creativity, and imagination of both children and adults. Via these channels, we create the possibility of expressing emotion and creating. The entire concept of performing arts is one of the means to achieve this, singing being perhaps the deepest available to humans, as the vocal chords are the innermost instrument of all, being constantly played by the imagination and entering into the furthest reaches of the soul.
Ronit’s educational-artistic philosophy and the process that she chooses to undergo with her pupils speak to me. I see in Ronit a true, loyal, and honest partner in our cooperative enterprise, whose fruits we have tasted this year for the second time. Our young people blessed with talent, who engage in the performing arts, deserve a warm, nurturing, supportive launch pad that spurs them on to hone their skills.
Everyone here on stage tonight, as well as those in the sound booth, and those working in the wider circle of surrounding buildings, contributed the utmost of their time and their hearts toward this evening, as they do year ‘round. This endless giving has given us endless satisfaction, as well as touching us deeply. We believe in you, love you, and look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
Gideon Efrati June 2013